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Review – Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey, by Ingersoll Lockwood This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. Oct 26, · Download PDF. Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey By Ingersoll Lockwood London: Penguin Books, In , an American lawyer named Ingersoll Lockwood wrote Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey. It tells the story of a wealthy young man, Baron Trump, who is bored with his life of luxury and sets off on an adventure. Baron Trump s Marvelous Underground Journey Illustrated Updated Edition Book Summary: Ingersoll Lockwood (08/02/ - 09/30/) was an American lawyer and writer. As a writer, he is particularly known today for his Baron Trump children's novels.
Baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download
As doubting Thomases seem to take particular pleasure in popping up on all occasions, Jack-in-the-Box-like, it may be well to head them off in this particular instance by proving that Baron Trump was a real baron, and not a mere baron of the mind.
The family was originally French Huguenot—De la Trompe—which, upon the revocation of the Edict of Nantes intook refuge in Holland, where its head assumed the name of Van der Troomp, just as many other of the French Protestants rendered their names into Dutch. Some years later, upon the invitation of the Elector of Brandenburg, Niklas Van der Troomp became a subject of that prince, and purchased a large baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download in the province of Pomerania, again changing his name, this baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download to Von Troomp.
He was the last of his race in the direct line, although cousins of his are to-day well-known Pomeranian gentry. He began his travels at an incredibly early age, and filled his castle with such strange objects picked up here and there in the far away corners of the world, that the simple-minded peasantry came to look upon him as half bigwig and half magician—hence the vi growth of the many myths and fanciful stories concerning this indefatigable globe-trotter.
The date of his death cannot be fixed with any certainty; but this much may be said: Among the portraits of Pomeranian notables hanging in the Rathhaus at Stettin, there is one picturing a man of low stature, and with a head much too large for his body.
He is dressed in some outlandish costume, and holds in his left hand a grotesque image in ivory, most elaborately carved. The broad face is full of intelligence, and the large gray eyes are lighted up with a good-natured but baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download look that invariably attracts attention.
Bulger was not himself at all, dear friends. There was a lack-lustre look in his eyes, and his tail responded with only a half-hearted wag when I spoke to him. There was evidently something on his mind, and yet it never occurred to me what that something was; for to be honest about it, it was something which of all things I never should have dreamed of finding there. Possibly I might have discovered at an earlier day what it was all about, had it not been that just at this time I was very busy, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download, too busy, in fact, to pay much attention to any one, even 2 to my dear four-footed foster brother.
As you may remember, dear friends, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download, my brain is a very active one; and when once I become interested in a subject, Castle Trump itself might take fire and burn until the legs of my chair had become charred before I would hear the noise and confusion, or even smell the smoke. This book, with its crumpled, torn, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download, and time-stained leaves exhaling the odors of vaulted crypt and worm-eaten chest, exercised a peculiar fascination upon me.
All day long, and often far into the night, I sat poring over its musty and mildewed pages, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download, quite forgetful of this surface world, and with the plummet of thought sounding these subterranean depths, and with the eye and ear of fancy visiting them, and gazing upon and listening to the dwellers therein, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download.
Nothing 3 escaped his watchful eye. Here he sat hour by hour, amusing himself by noting the comings and goings of all sorts of folk, from the hawkers of gewgaws to the noblest people in the shire. One day my attention was attracted by his suddenly leaping down from his cushion and giving a low growl of displeasure.
I paid little heed to it, but to my surprise the next day about the same hour it occurred again. Lo, the secret was out! There stood half a dozen mongrel curs belonging to the tenantry of the baronial lands, looking up to the window, and by their barking and antics endeavoring to entice Bulger out for a romp. Dear friends, need I assure you that such familiarity was extremely distasteful to Bulger?
Their impudence was just a little more than he could stand. Ringing my bell, I directed my servant to hunt them away. Whereupon Bulger consented to resume his seat by the window.
The next morning, just as I had settled myself down for a good long read, I was almost startled by Bulger bounding into the room with eyes flashing fire and teeth laid bare in anger.
I did so. He led me down-stairs across the hallway and into the dining-room, and then this new cause of discontent on his part became very apparent to me. There grouped around his silver breakfast plate sat an ancient tabby cat and four kittens, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download, all calmly licking or lapping away at his breakfast.
Canst thou wonder that I am not happy with all these disagreeable things happening to me? I tell thee, little master, it is too much for flesh and blood to put up with. It was something extraordinary, and set me to thinking.
He noticed this and gave a joyful bark, then dashed into my sleeping apartment. He was gone for several moments, and then returned bearing in his mouth a pair of Oriental shoes which he laid at my feet. Again and again he disappeared, coming back each time with some article of clothing in his mouth. In a few moments he had laid a complete Oriental costume on the floor before my eyes; and would you believe me, dear friends, it was the identical suit which I had worn on my last travels in far-away lands, when he and I had been wrecked on the Island of Gogulah, the land of the Round Bodies.
What did it all mean? Why, this, to be sure:—. He is weary of this dull and spiritless existence. He is tired of this increasing familiarity on the part of these mongrel curs of the neighborhood and of the audacity of these kitchen tabbies and their families. He implores thee to break away from this life of revery and inaction, and for the honor of the Trumps to be up and away again. In the midst of these mad gambols a low rap on my chamber door caused me to call out,—.
With sombre mien and stately tread he advanced and took a seat beside me on the canopy. Heaven forbid that such a thought should move our souls to stay thee! The honor of our family, thy fame as an explorer of strange lands in far-away corners of the globe, call unto us to be strong hearted. Therefore, my dear boy, make ready and go forth once more in search of new marvels. Bulger hastened to raise himself upon his hind legs and lick her hand in token of respectful greeting.
The tears were pressing hard against her eyelids, but she kept them back, and encircling my neck with her loving arms, she pressed many and many a kiss upon my cheeks and brow. Go, go, little baron, and Heaven bring thee safely back to our arms and to our hearts in its own good time. At these words Bulger, who had been listening to the conversation with pricked-up ears and glistening eyes, gave one long howl of joy, and then springing into my lap, covered my face baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download kisses.
This done, he vented his happiness in a string of baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download barks and a series of the maddest gambols. It was one of the happiest and proudest days of his life, for he felt that he had exerted considerable influence in screwing to the sticking-point my resolution to set out on my travels once again.
And now the patter of hurrying feet and the loud murmur of anxious voices resounded through the castle corridors, while inside and out ever and anon I could hear the cry now whispered and now outspoken,—.
Bulger ran hither and thither, surveying everything, taking note of all the preparations, and I could hear his joyous bark ring out as some familiar article used by me on my former journeys was dragged from its hiding-place. Twenty times a day my gentle mother came to my room to repeat some good counsel or reiterate some valuable caution, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download.
It seemed to me that I had never seen her so calm, so stately, so lovable. She was very proud of my great name and so, in fact, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download, were every man, woman, and child in the castle. Had I not gotten off as I did, I should have been literally killed with kindness and Bulger slain with sweet-cake. But the great thinker could not locate them with any accuracy. Hitherto on my travels I had made choice of a semi-Oriental garb, both on account of its picturesqueness and its lightness and warmth, but now as I was about to pass quite across Russia for a number of months, I resolved to don the Russian national costume; for speaking Russian fluently, as I did a score or more of languages living and dead, I would thus be enabled to come and go without everlastingly displaying my passport, or having 8 my trains of thought constantly disturbed by inquisitive travelling companions—a very important thing to me, for my mind possessed the extraordinary power of working out automatically any task assigned to it by me, provided it was not suddenly thrown off its track by some ridiculous interruption.
For instance, I was upon the very point one day of discovering perpetual motion, when the gracious baroness suddenly opened the door and asked me whether I had pared the nails of my great toes lately, as she had observed that I had worn holes in several pairs of my best stockings.
It was about the middle of February when I set out from the Castle Trump, and I journeyed night and day in order to reach Petersburg by the first of March, for I knew that the government trains would leave that city for the White Sea during the first week of that month. The moment I arrived at the Russian capital I applied to the emperor for permission to join one of the government trains, which was most graciously accorded.
Our route lay almost directly to the northward for several days, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download, at the end of which time we reached the shores of Lake Ladoga.
This we crossed on the ice with our sledges, as a few days later we did Lake Onega. Thence by land again, we kept on our way until Onega Bay had been reached, crossing it, too, on the ice, and so reaching the station of the same name, where we halted for a day to give our horses a well-deserved rest. From this point we proceeded in baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download straight line over the snow fields to Archangel, an important trading-post on the White Sea.
Here we were obliged to abandon our sledges, for the snows had disappeared like magic, uncovering long vistas of green fields, which in a few days the May sun dotted with flowers and sweet shrubs.
At Ilitch I was obliged to relinquish from my service the two faithful government retainers who had accompanied me from Archangel, for they had now reached the most westerly point which they had been commissioned to visit. I had become very much attached to them, and so had Bulger, and after their departure we both felt as if we were now, for the first time, among strangers in a strange land; but I succeeded in engaging, as I thought, a trustworthy teamster, Ivan by name, who made a contract with me for a goodly wage to carry me a hundred miles farther north.
I was now really at the foot hills of the Northern Urals, for the rocky crests and snow-clad peaks were in full sight. I turned many a wistful look up toward the wild regions shut in by their sheer walls and parapets, shaggy and bristling with black pines, for a low, mysterious voice came a-whispering in my inward ear that somewhere, ah, somewhere in that awful wilderness, I should one day come upon the portals of the World within a World!
In spite of all I could do Bulger took a violent dislike to Ivan and Ivan to him; and if the bargain had not been made and the money paid over, I should have looked about me for another teamster.
His tarantass, too, was quite new and solidly built and well 12 furnished with soft blankets, all in all as comfortable as you can make a wagon which has no other springs than the two long wooden supports that reach from axle to axle.
True, they were somewhat elastic; but I could notice that Bulger was not overfond of riding in this curious vehicle with its rattlety-bang gait up and down these mountain roads, and often asked permission to leap out and follow on foot. They cheered and waved their kerchiefs, Bulger barked, and I smiled and raised my cap with all the dignity of a Trump.
And so we got away at last from Ilitch on the Ilitch, Ivan on the box, and Bulger and I at the back, sitting close together like two brothers that we were—two breasts with but a single heart-beat and two brains busy with the same thought—that come perils or come sudden attacks, come covert danger or bold and open-faced onslaught, we should stand together and fall together!
It was slow work, ay, it was very slow and tedious, but what matters it how many or great the difficulties, to a man who has made up his mind to accomplish a certain task? Do the storks or the wild geese stop to count the thousands of miles between 13 them and their far-away homes when the time comes to turn their heads southward?
Do the brown ants pause to count the hundreds of thousands of grains of sand which they must carry through their long corridors and winding passages before they have burrowed deep enough to escape the frost of midwinter? Not even if it meant never to see dear baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download Castle Trump again!
One morning as we went zigzagging up a particularly nasty bit of mountain road, Ivan suddenly wheeled about and without even taking off his hat, cried out,—. If thou wouldst go any farther north thou must hire thee another teamster; dost hear? Know, then, that I spoke with thy father, and he promised me that thou shouldst go a second hundred miles with me if need were, but on condition that I give thee double pay.
It shall be done, and on top of that a goodly present for your golubtchika darling. Nicholas, save me! Providence hath made 14 thee poor and me rich. We need each other. Do thou thy duty, and thou wilt find me just and considerate. Disobey me, and thou wilt find that this short arm may be stretched from Ilitch to Petersburg.
Ivan turned pale at this hidden threat of mine; but I deemed it necessary baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download make it, for I as well as Bulger had scented treachery and rebellion about this boorish fellow, whose good trait was his love of his horses, and it has always been my rule in life to open my eyes wide to the good that there is in a man, and close them to his faults.
But, in spite of kind words and kind treatment, Ivan grew surlier and moodier the moment we had passed the hundredth milestone. Bulger watched him with a gaze so steady and thoughtful that the man fairly quailed before it. Hour by hour he baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download more and more restive, and upon leaving a roadside tavern, for the very first time since we had left Ilitch on the Ilitch, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download, I noticed that the fellow had been drinking too much kwass.
He let loose his tongue, and raised his hand against his horses, which until that moment he had been wont to load down with caresses and pet names. Nicholas have thee in his safe keeping!
Scarcely had I thrown myself on the hard mattress which the tavern-keeper called the best bed in the house, when I was aroused by loud and boisterous talking in the next room, baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf download. Ivan was drinking and quarrelling with the villagers. I strode into the room with the arrows of indignation shooting from my eyes, and the faithful Bulger close at my heels.
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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey, by Ingersoll Lockwood This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey PDF Download By Ingersoll Lockwood The 19th Century book the world is talking about. Why? It features a Baron Trump, a Don and Russia. Enjoy. Related: ingersoll lockwook | baron trumps marvelous underground journey pdf | ingersoll lockwood the last president | baron trumps m. Oct 26, · Download PDF. Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey By Ingersoll Lockwood London: Penguin Books, In , an American lawyer named Ingersoll Lockwood wrote Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey. It tells the story of a wealthy young man, Baron Trump, who is bored with his life of luxury and sets off on an adventure.
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